细节一:戏服设计师Gabriele Binder
除了剧本、演员和声光技术⋯画面要与观众达到共鸣,服装巧思也是关键之一,戏服设计师的责任就是在流动的故事线上,利用服装强化角色特质。戏服设计师Gabriele Binder,过去曾为《窃听风暴》
在 Instagram 查看这则贴文Ostalgie — the East Germans’ wistfulness about the bad old days before the Wall fell — was a sickness in need of treatment. THE LIVES OF OTHERS was an urgently needed antidote. The spying and prying is set in 1984 when the Stasi, East Germany’s internal spy network, kept watch on artists and political dissidents, forcing many into obeisance, jail, silence, or suicide.
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2020-11-08 09:46:00