threezero已经取得经典美剧【绝命毒师】 Breaking Bad人偶版权!第一弹将会推出主角的另一个身分:“海森堡”Heisenberg,以1:6比例制作度身定做的特色服装及配件,完全重现这个令人闻风丧胆的绝命毒师“海森堡”Heisenberg!

The 1/6th scale collectible figure series by threezero featuring characters based on the hit television series Breaking Bad will launch this February. The first figure, Heisenberg is a 12” (30.5cm) tall articulated figure featuring tailored clothing, various accessories, and a realistic likeness to the character portrayed on screen.
Pre-order will begin on February 24th at 09:00AM Hong Kong Time at for 150USD/1160HKD with International shipping included in the price.
1/6th scale Breaking Bad Heisenberg collectible details:
*12″ (30.5cm) tall articulated figure featuring tailored clothing
*head sculpt with realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series
*exchangeable hands for holding gun
*pork-pie hat
*black windbreaker
*five stacks of blood money
threezeroから、大ヒット海外ドラマ『ブレイキング・バッド』に基づく1/6スケール・フィギュアが登场! 第一弾「ハイゼンベルグ」はthreezero公式ストア にて日本时间2月24日10:00AMより150USD(送料込み)で予约贩売开始です。フィギュアは全高约12インチ(约30.5cm)でフル可动式。衣装は布制で、ピストルや札束、眼镜にサングラスに帽子など、様々なアクセサリーが付属します。
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2019-02-09 16:49:00