threezero 1/12 Action Figure《Titanfall》M-COR Ogre(threezerostore Exclusive Ver.)
人气电玩作品Titanfall 巨大外骨装甲泰坦重甲型(Ogre)即将开始预购,以20寸高巨大比例制作,红/蓝发光电饰及可完全打开舱盖的驾驶仓,武器装备为40mm加农炮(可拆卸弹药筒)及左肩三连装火箭(可打开及装卸飞弹)。6寸高驾驶员Pilot 以全关节制作,大量装备细节及出色的旧化上色⋯⋯完全将泰坦高重甲型(Ogre)真实立体化!
泰坦重甲型(Ogre)将于3月29日早上9时正开始接受预购,定价3500HKD/450USD (包括邮递费用)。现凡于 预购泰坦重甲型(Ogre),更会额外得到弧光加农砲武器一把!

After bringing to Titanfall fans worldwide highly detailed Atlas and Stryder, we are ready to announce the pre-order details of Titanfall M-COR Ogre collectible!
Nearly 20inches /50.8cm tall collectible will be available for pre-order at starting from March 29th 9:00AM Hong Kong time for USD 450 / HKD 3500 with Worldwide Shipping included in the price.
In addition to massive 40MM Cannon (with detachable ammo drum), Titanfall M-COR Ogre collectible purchased at will be coming with ARC Cannon, which is exclusive to threezerostore.
Each Ogre features fully openable hatch with detailed cockpit, comes with 15.2cm / 6inches tall highly detailed and articulated pilot; missile launcher on the left side (launcher hatch can be opened and missiles are removable); light-up feature for top, hips and afterburner with interchangeable red and blue lights. Please see the album and check the details below for additional info.
Titanfall M-COR Ogre collectible details and features:
* Collectible stands approximately 50.8cm / 20inches tall;
* incredibly detailed and over 100 articulation parts;
* real pistons control the movement of the waist and feet;
* comes with 40MM Cannon with detachable ammo drum;
* fully openable hatch with cockpit;
* movable armor plates on both torso and legs;
* light-up feature for top, hips and afterburner with interchangeable red and blue lights;
* articulated tri-missile launcher (launcher hatch can be opened and missiles are detachable);
* articulated fingers;
* 3A X 2 batteries needed for the light-up feature (batteries not included).
Titanfall M-COR Ogre pilot details:
* fully posable 15.2cm / 6inches tall M-COR Battle Riffle Pilot figure, which can be positioned inside Ogre’s cockpit;
* pilot figure comes with detailed armor parts, with R97 “Submachine Gun” and fabric clothing;
* with the amount of details, paint application and weathering on the pilot, it’s hard to believe that such a level of details can be achieved on 15.2cm /6inches tall figure.
1/12スケールの『タイタンフォール』シリーズに、「アトラス」、「ストライダー」に続いて3体目のタイタン「オーガ」がミリシア・カラーで登場! 日本時間3月29日午前10時よりthreezeroストア にて予約販売開始です。価格は450USD(全世界対応の送料込み)。
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2018-11-06 13:58:00